皇家城堡國際創立於西元2000年,創辦人因業務需求,長年旅行海外各國,也具有房地產開發與投資相關背景,因此在投資多元的市場上穩紮穩打,精選投資項目。古話常談 「有土斯有財」,現今經濟上,最保守且增值空間最多的不只土地,房產也是最佳的理財選擇!
Royal castle investment group is found at year 2000. The company founder has traveled various countries many years to explore elegant properties. Accumulating from past work experiences, he has property development and investing background. Buying physical property is one of the wise investing selection to accumulate personal asset. The increasing value of property in the future always brings an unexpected able surprise! Our company principle is to recommend ideal products to clients and make them satisfied!